Bar-i Blog

$$$Referral Bounty$$$

Written by Jamie Edwards | Oct 28, 2011 6:02:11 PM
We really appreciate it when our friends and clients take time out of their day to mention our inventory service to potential clients. In fact, we appreciate it so much that we like to show our appreciation in hard dollars: We pay 5% of first year audit revenue from new clients (up to $200) to the person who provided the referral. The bounty is open to anyone: Owners, managers, delivery drivers, friends of owners, wine reps...whoever. For a typical new client, 5% would hit that $200 max which isn't bad for a quick phonecall or conversation with somebody*

Example: You hear about Bar-i’s profit maximizing inventory service, so mention it to your friend who owns a bar. The bar owner decides that having a trial is a no-brainer and calls us to schedule it. During the call he mentions the friend who was kind enough to point him in the right direction. After the trial, the owner begins regular audits at his bar. Paid audits are completed over the 12 months following totaling $4,000. We cut you a check for $200!


*Referal Bounty Terms and Conditions: 

 1.        Qualifying referrals must be submitted in writing using Bar-i's then-current referral form or via email.2.        The Referral Bounty will be equal to 5% of AUDIT revenue (excludes equipment, setups and hourly charges) earned within 365 days after first contact is established between bar-i and the new client3.        In order to qualify, the client must complete a full inventory audit within 3 months of the referral4.        The Bounty will be paid in 2 installments after six months and after a year5.        The Bounty is capped at $200 per referral6.        The bill must be paid in full before the Bounty will be paid7.        If you are the owner of a bar, the Bounty may only be paid as a credit for work8.        Past clients cannot generate a Referral Bounty whether restarting service or beginning service at a different bar9.        Terms for our Referral Bounty program are posted on our website. In order to qualify for the Referral Bounty you must accept the then-current terms and conditions. Referral terms may be updated in our sole discretion from time to time. Acceptance of the updated referral terms is required in order to continue to participate in the program.10.     Eligibility for, and determination of, any Referral Bounties will be at Bar-i's sole discretion


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