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Bar-i Liquor Inventory Blog

Integrating Toast POS Sales Data into Bar-I’s Inventory System

How much are you getting out of your bar inventory efforts? Are you simply figuring out what you need to order and calculating your liquor cost, or are you leveraging your inventory data to drive profits? For most bars, their inventory ...
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What’s the Most Important Feature to Look for in a POS System?

The POS market has become saturated in recent years. While you have more options to choose from than ever before, there is a downside to this unprecedented level of choice. With so many options available, it’s often difficult to determine which
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Are Generic POS Modifiers Killing Your Profits?

By now, just about every bar and restaurant has adopted a POS system as part of their operations. The time savings and other benefits associated with automation make using a POS system a no-brainer. However, it’s important to understand that you need to
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Integrate Your POS and Inventory Systems to Maximize Profits

At its most basic level, liquor inventory is performed to count how much of each product you have on-hand at your bar so that you can determine what to order. You can take these efforts a step further and use it as a tool to measure the performance your business. By factoring in purchase values ...
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How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your POS Setup

Bar-i’s liquor inventory services provide a unique benefit that differentiates us from many of the other systems on the market. Our system compares what was rung vs. what was poured in order to tell you how much of ...
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Should I Get a Bar-i Full Service Liquor Inventory Trial?

At Bar-i, our goal is to help you make more money. We accomplish this goal by providing you with more accurate inventory services that compare what is sold to what is being poured.
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How to Program Your Bar’s POS System to Maximize Profits

POS systems have become an integral component to the success of most restaurants and bars. When used properly, a good POS system can significantly impact your profitability. While this may lead you to believe that your ...
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Save Money by Using Free POS Systems at Your Bar

Bar-i recently started working with a new client that has been using a free POS system with their bar. This POS system is genuinely free – there are no up-front fees for the software or ongoing fees for usage – and we’re amazed to discover ...
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5 Ways Modern Liquor Inventory Software Can Benefit your Bar (Part 1)

Taking liquor inventory is one of the most thankless tasks performed by a bar. It can be tedious and annoying. To make matters worse, your inventory efforts may not even provide you with much in the way of valuable information, particularly if you are using an antiquated method such as a ...
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Why Bar-i liquor inventory is working with Serving-Success POS systems?

One of the challenges we frequently encounter when performing liquor inventory auditing for our clients is poorly programmed POS systems. Specifically, the way POS systems are programmed often does not ensure customers are charged ...
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