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Bar-i Liquor Inventory Blog

Myth Busting: Self-Service Bar Inventory Saves You Money

One of the most common comments we hear when talking to potential new clients is that they don’t think full-service bar inventory services are worth the money. These bar owners often push back at the need to pay a monthly service fee in addition to the software fees. After all, they can just use ...
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Is Your Bar Inventory System Providing the Best Value?

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the bar and restaurant industry, resulting in a significant reduction in sales for most establishments. In these situations, reducing your costs can be an effective way to undo some of the negative impact this lower sales volume is having on your ...
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Sharing Bar Inventory Counts Among Multiple Employees

While counting bar inventory is a tedious task, it is very important. These counts provide you with a lot of important information that will help you run your bar at optimal levels of efficiency and profitability. In particular, your inventory efforts can significantly help you
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Essential Elements of an Advanced Liquor Inventory System

If you’re considering upgrading your liquor inventory system, it’s important to do your research. Not all inventory systems are created equal. Some only provide basic functions, such as:
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Essential Elements of a Basic Liquor Inventory System

If you’re considering upgrading your liquor inventory system, it’s important to first think about the goals you would like to achieve out of the inventory process. This will help you narrow down your options to focus on the solutions that address your specific goals.
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Is Bar-i's Speed Count Inventory System Right for Your Bar?

At Bar-i, we believe that your liquor inventory efforts should be much more than busy work for your manager or simply a tool to know what you need to order. We approach inventory in a way that helps ...
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What to Expect from New Bar-i Free Count and Speed Count Products

For the last 10 years, Bar-i has been helping bars and restaurants across the country leverage their inventory efforts to maximize profitability. Our Excel-based inventory platform compares precisely ...
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Weighing: The Fastest and Most Accurate Bar Inventory Method

This past week (May 1st to be exact) marked the 10-year anniversary of Bar-i. We’re proud to have been partnering with a wide range of bars and restaurants for such a long period of time, and we have learned a tremendous amount about bar inventory through this process. Using all of ...
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What are the 3 Levels of Bar Inventory?

There are several different goals that can be achieved from the bar inventory process. These range from surface level goals such as determining what you need to order to deeper level goals such as obtaining the data necessary to evaluate the performance of your bar.
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10 Essential Tasks of Bar Inventory Management

Performing bar inventory involves much more than simply counting bottles to figure out how much product has been used and what you have remaining on-hand. When you use a sophisticated inventory ...
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