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Bar-i Liquor Inventory Blog

Does Your Cocktail Pricing Align with Your Target Liquor Cost?

Bar-i recently set up a new client with our liquor inventory system. This is a no-nonsense neighborhood bar – it has a down-home feel where people go to catch up with friends and play pool. Their target demographic are people who like more traditional drinks: simple cocktails such as Jack and ...
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How to Price Draft Beer

The craft beer explosion is well underway and if your bar hasn’t addressed this phenomenon, you’re going to be left behind.
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Do You Have too much Liquor Inventory on Hand?

A common mistake that many bars make is having too much inventory on hand. Often, bars will order products until all the shelves in their storeroom are full. While this may work for some establishments, you really should have a smarter system for your
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Bar Pre-Opening Checklist: Pricing Strategy

When opening a new bar, one of the most important elements to get right is your pricing. It should be fairly obvious why pricing decisions will play a major role in the success of your bar. We’ve written about
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What Do Craft Cocktails Mean for Bar Inventory?

As a liquor inventory service provider and consultant to bars and restaurants nationwide, one of our jobs at Bar-i is to stay on top of the latest trends in the industry. One inescapable ...
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2 Important Tools that Will Help You Make Strategic Liquor Pricing Decisions at Your Bar

Pricing decisions will have a direct impact on your profits and as a result, it is very important to get these decisions right. You must be strategic when determining your pricing. If you ...
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6 Frequently Overlooked Strategies for Determining Liquor Pricing at Your Bar

Recently, we’ve devoted a fair amount of time on this blog to discussing liquor pricing decisions, and for good reason. Of all the different
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Understanding How Liquor Cost Impacts Pricing Decisions at Your Bar

There are a variety of factors to consider when determining how to price the products sold at your bar or restaurant. It is important to think through all of these factors in order to ensure your prices increase business and maximize profits.
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The Spectrum of Liquor Inventory Systems from Free to Full Service

Today’s post discusses third party liquor inventory systems across the spectrum from least expensive/ hardest to use on one end through most expensive/ easiest to use on the other. Whatever method you use to perform liquor ...
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Liquor cost: The importance of portioning your liquor drinks consistently

The importance of portioning liquor drinks at your bar consistently: As owner of a liquor inventory company, one of things that is a constant surprise to me when we start working with new clients is how poor their bartenders are at ...
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