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Bar-i Liquor Inventory Blog

5 insights Bar-i's Down to the Serving bar inventory system provides

This video blog showcases 5 specific details that the Pro version of our beverage inventory software provides. Most bars manage their bar performance based on liquor cost. Our
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How to integrate your Heartland POS system with Bar-i for bar inventory

This three-minute video blog explains how you Bar-i's inventory platform can transform the raw sales data contained in your Heartland POS system into meaning insights that allow you to run a lower liquor and a more profitable ...
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How to capture 3-6% of your bar sales as profits

This three-minute video blog explains how you can capture an additional 3-6% of your bar's beverage sales as profits by significantly reducing shrinkage and turning some of those losses into retail sales.
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4 Main points of differentiation

This two-minute video blog explains 4 points of differentiation of Bar-i's Pro level bar inventory system which can increase your bar profits by 30%
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The World's Fastest and Most Accurate Bar Inventory

This video blog shows how you can halve the amount of time you spend counting inventory at your bar while also increasing accuracy.
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What Is Bar Inventory Shrinkage?

In the bar industry, the term shrinkage refers to the use of product or inventory without a matching sale. Many bars experience a much higher level of shrinkage than they realize, and this can significantly ...
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How Often Should You Count Liquor Inventory at Your Bar?

There’s no hard-and-fast rule regarding the ideal frequency of bar inventory counts. This must be determined by the unique needs of your bar and the goals you’re looking to achieve from the inventory process. That being said, if you want to
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4 Types of Products You Don’t Need to Track for Inventory

Your inventory efforts can be an effective tool to improve your bar’s profitability. At Bar-i, our goal is to help you identify all products that are underperforming and make recommendations that ...
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New Technology to Accurately Monitor Draft Beer Inventory

One of the areas that presents the biggest challenge when performing bar inventory is determining how much beer is left in partial kegs. If your primary goal of your inventory efforts is to guide your ordering, ...
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What is the Real Cost of Bar Inventory Shrinkage?

Most bars do inventory in order to address the basic functions of knowing what needs to be ordered each week and calculating liquor cost. At Bar-i, we take the inventory process a step further by measuring product level performance. ...
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