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Bar-i Liquor Inventory Blog

5 insights Bar-i's Down to the Serving bar inventory system provides

This video blog showcases 5 specific details that the Pro version of our beverage inventory software provides. Most bars manage their bar performance based on liquor cost. Our
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How to capture 3-6% of your bar sales as profits

This three-minute video blog explains how you can capture an additional 3-6% of your bar's beverage sales as profits by significantly reducing shrinkage and turning some of those losses into retail sales.
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4 Main points of differentiation

This two-minute video blog explains 4 points of differentiation of Bar-i's Pro level bar inventory system which can increase your bar profits by 30%
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The World's Fastest and Most Accurate Bar Inventory

This video blog shows how you can halve the amount of time you spend counting inventory at your bar while also increasing accuracy.
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Label Your Product Positions to Double Your Counting Speed

If you dread counting inventory, you’re not alone. Most bar managers find this to be one of the most tedious tasks of their week. We completely understand. We’re an inventory company, and counting bottles is our least favorite part of the job as well. We derive much more enjoyment out of ...
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Use Mise en Place to Reduce Your Bar Inventory Counting Time

One of the biggest differences between front-of-house and back-of-house restaurant staff involves their level of formal training. It’s common for chefs, line cooks and other back-of-house staff to have graduated from culinary school or undergone some form of formal training. This is much less ...
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7 Steps to Check in Your Bar’s liquor inventory Deliveries More Effectively

The average profit margin for restaurants is approximately 3-5%. When you’re working on such a small margin, attention to detail is crucial. Even tiny amounts of shrinkage or minor errors in your processes can ...
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10 Practical Bar Organization Tips

One way to identify a well-run bar is to evaluate their level of organization. In the overwhelming majority of instances, bars that are well-organized also function at a high level and are ...
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10 Organization Best Practices for Effective Bar Inventory

At Bar-i, we often jokingly say that we’re a bar inventory company that doesn’t like doing inventory. While this statement is made in jest, there is a grain of truth to it. We really enjoy the vast majority of our job, but we’d be lying if we didn’t admit that the process of
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A Well-Run Bar Needs a Side-Work Checklist

There’s a famous saying that goes: “There’s nothing certain except for death and taxes.” In reality, they should add a third item to this list: work. Unless you are fortunate enough to be the progeny of Jay Z and Beyoncé, LeBron James, Oprah, or someone else with enough money to allow the next 5 ...
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