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Bar-i Liquor Inventory Blog

Myth Busting: Self-Service Bar Inventory Saves You Money

One of the most common comments we hear when talking to potential new clients is that they don’t think full-service bar inventory services are worth the money. These bar owners often push back at the need to pay a monthly service fee in addition to the software fees. After all, they can just use ...
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Bar-i Restaurant365 Integration Step by Step Guide

R365 is integrated with Bar-i which allows you to increase the accuracy of your beverage inventory by looking up items using their existing barcodes and weighing open items using Bluetooth scales
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Best Manager Incentive Plans to Boost Your Bar’s Profits

While bar inventory can be a very effective tool to boost profits, it requires you to use your data to make adjustments to your processes that will
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What Is Bar Inventory Shrinkage?

In the bar industry, the term shrinkage refers to the use of product or inventory without a matching sale. Many bars experience a much higher level of shrinkage than they realize, and this can significantly ...
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6 Ways to Know If You Need to Service Your Draft Beer System

Recently, one of our most successful clients has been dealing with an issue regarding their draft beer products. This bar has an overall accountability score of 98%, but their draft beer products consistently fail to ...
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How to Set Up a Performance-Based Bar Manager Incentive Plan

Your bar manager plays a crucial role in the success of your business, possibly even more than you may realize. Take it from us – we’ve seen time and again how a bar manager can impact the success of our clients.
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Don't Waste Time Ringing Up Your Draft Beer Waste

Draft beer has some unique characteristics that make it fundamentally different from the other product categories served at bars (liquor, wine, bottled beer). It’s the only product category where you’re guaranteed to experience
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Integrate Your POS and Inventory Systems to Maximize Profits

At its most basic level, liquor inventory is performed to count how much of each product you have on-hand at your bar so that you can determine what to order. You can take these efforts a step further and use it as a tool to measure the performance your business. By factoring in purchase values ...
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Liquor Inventory Control

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4 Tips to Improve Staff Accountability at Your Bar

There are many factors involved in maximizing the profitability of your bar. One of the most important is maintaining a high level of accountability with your bar staff. When we talk about accountability, we’re referring ...
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