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Bar-i Liquor Inventory Blog

Bar-i Restaurant365 Integration Step by Step Guide

R365 is integrated with Bar-i which allows you to increase the accuracy of your beverage inventory by looking up items using their existing barcodes and weighing open items using Bluetooth scales
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Best Manager Incentive Plans to Boost Your Bar’s Profits

While bar inventory can be a very effective tool to boost profits, it requires you to use your data to make adjustments to your processes that will
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Integrating Toast POS Sales Data into Bar-I’s Inventory System

How much are you getting out of your bar inventory efforts? Are you simply figuring out what you need to order and calculating your liquor cost, or are you leveraging your inventory data to drive profits? For most bars, their inventory ...
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4 Main points of differentiation

This two-minute video blog explains 4 points of differentiation of Bar-i's Pro level bar inventory system which can increase your bar profits by 30%
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The World's Fastest and Most Accurate Bar Inventory

This video blog shows how you can halve the amount of time you spend counting inventory at your bar while also increasing accuracy.
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Implement Zone Counts to Spend Less Time on Liquor Inventory

Most bars have experienced a bouncing liquor cost on occasion. This refers to a situation where your liquor cost varies by more than 2 percentage points from period to period. A bouncing liquor cost is generally due ...
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Label Your Product Positions to Double Your Counting Speed

If you dread counting inventory, you’re not alone. Most bar managers find this to be one of the most tedious tasks of their week. We completely understand. We’re an inventory company, and counting bottles is our least favorite part of the job as well. We derive much more enjoyment out of ...
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Use Mise en Place to Reduce Your Bar Inventory Counting Time

One of the biggest differences between front-of-house and back-of-house restaurant staff involves their level of formal training. It’s common for chefs, line cooks and other back-of-house staff to have graduated from culinary school or undergone some form of formal training. This is much less ...
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Bar-i Is an Official Restaurant365 Bar Inventory Integration Partner

Bar-i is proud to announce that we’ve been recently added as an official Restaurant365 bar inventory integration partner. We’re excited to work with one of the leading restaurant enterprise management platforms in the ...
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Cut Your Counting Time with a Shelf to Sheet Bar Inventory System

For bars and restaurants, very few tasks are more tedious than counting bottles during the inventory process. It’s mindless, boring work that takes hours to complete each week. No one on your staff enjoys doing this.
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