Most bars do inventory in order to address the basic functions of knowing what needs to be ordered each week and calculating liquor cost. At Bar-i, we take the inventory process a step further by measuring product level performance. ...
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There are several different goals that can be achieved from the bar inventory process. These range from surface level goals such as determining what you need to order to deeper level goals such as obtaining the data necessary to evaluate the performance of your bar.
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Nobody likes counting inventory. Even our co-owner, Jamie, often jokes about his disdain for counting bottles, and he runs a bar inventory company. Let’s face it – regardless of what you are trying to get out of your inventory efforts, counting bottles is the most tedious and least enjoyable ...
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When you walk into a busy bar or restaurant, it’s easy to assume that the establishment is raking in the profits. However, it’s actually much more challenging to run a highly profitable bar than most people ...
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One of the benefits associated with modern technology is the ability to automate more of the tasks necessary to run your business. Automating repetitive, boring tasks saves time so that you can put more energy into the high-level tasks that truly require your attention and talents.
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Craft beer and craft cocktails have become a well-established trend in the bar industry. Over the last decade or two, craft beers have comprised a considerably larger percentage of beer consumption, significantly eating into the market share of products such as Budweiser and Coors. Similarly, ...
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Performing bar inventory involves much more than simply counting bottles to figure out how much product has been used and what you have remaining on-hand. When you use a sophisticated inventory ...
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Investing in a sophisticated bar inventory system for the first time can be a daunting process. While these systems are definitely well worth the investment, they typically aren’t cheap. Every major purchase you make for your business involves considerable research along with a leap of faith ...
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If you’re considering upgrading to a more sophisticated bar inventory system, you must first determine what you want to achieve from your inventory efforts. There are many app-based systems ...
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