If you dread counting inventory, you’re not alone. Most bar managers find this to be one of the most tedious tasks of their week. We completely understand. We’re an inventory company, and counting bottles is our least favorite part of the job as well. We derive much more enjoyment out of ...
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One of the biggest differences between front-of-house and back-of-house restaurant staff involves their level of formal training. It’s common for chefs, line cooks and other back-of-house staff to have graduated from culinary school or undergone some form of formal training. This is much less ...
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For bars and restaurants, very few tasks are more tedious than counting bottles during the inventory process. It’s mindless, boring work that takes hours to complete each week. No one on your staff enjoys doing this.
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Let’s face it, counting inventory is a truly miserable task. We always joke about the fact that we don’t even like doing it and we’re a bar inventory company. ...
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At Bar-i, our approach to bar inventory is to calculate the usage of every product you carry down to the serving in order to identify precisely how much is missing. While the scales we use to count inventory for ...
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Banquets and private events pose unique considerations for bar inventory. Most bars are doing inventory counts on either a weekly or biweekly basis. The challenge with banquets is that the schedule of events often requires counting a subset of your full inventory. If you’re going to calculate ...
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Most bars are doing inventory to complete their ordering and to calculate their liquor cost. The problem with focusing on these two goals is that it often prevents you from drilling down to evaluate the performance of individual ...
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At Bar-i, we’ve performed over 7,000 detailed liquor inventory audits in 25 states. Through this experience, we’ve seen bars approach the counting process in just about every way imaginable. One thing we’ve consistently found is that when bars try to count their inventory at night, it results in ...
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The restaurant industry is no stranger to challenging circumstances. Even before having to navigate the current health pandemic, restaurant owners faced considerable obstacles to running a profitable business. Some of the most pressing issues they must address include:
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While counting bar inventory is a tedious task, it is very important. These counts provide you with a lot of important information that will help you run your bar at optimal levels of efficiency and profitability. In particular, your inventory efforts can significantly help you
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