While counting bar inventory is a tedious task, it is very important. These counts provide you with a lot of important information that will help you run your bar at optimal levels of efficiency and profitability. In particular, your inventory efforts can significantly help you
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Everyone hates counting liquor inventory. It’s one of the most tedious aspects of running a bar. As a result, you should have an innate desire to complete this process as fast as possible without ...
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There’s no hard-and-fast rule regarding the ideal frequency of bar inventory counts. This must be determined by the unique needs of your bar and the goals you’re looking to achieve from the inventory process. That being said, if you want to
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If you’re considering upgrading your liquor inventory system, it’s important to first think about the goals you would like to achieve out of the inventory process. This will help you narrow down your options to focus on the solutions that address your specific goals.
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At Bar-i, we often jokingly say that we’re a bar inventory company that doesn’t like doing inventory. While this statement is made in jest, there is a grain of truth to it. We really enjoy the vast majority of our job, but we’d be lying if we didn’t admit that the process of
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At Bar-i, we believe that your liquor inventory efforts should be much more than busy work for your manager or simply a tool to know what you need to order. We approach inventory in a way that helps ...
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This past week (May 1st to be exact) marked the 10-year anniversary of Bar-i. We’re proud to have been partnering with a wide range of bars and restaurants for such a long period of time, and we have learned a tremendous amount about bar inventory through this process. Using all of ...
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Bar inventory options are becoming more varied and complicated by the day. With all of these options, identifying the right inventory system for your bar can be overwhelming. Ultimately, the right bar inventory solution for you will depend on what you are trying to accomplish with your ...
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Most bars do inventory in order to address the basic functions of knowing what needs to be ordered each week and calculating liquor cost. At Bar-i, we take the inventory process a step further by measuring product level performance. ...
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There are several different goals that can be achieved from the bar inventory process. These range from surface level goals such as determining what you need to order to deeper level goals such as obtaining the data necessary to evaluate the performance of your bar.
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