Most bars do inventory in order to address the basic functions of knowing what needs to be ordered each week and calculating liquor cost. At Bar-i, we take the inventory process a step further by measuring product level performance. ...
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There are several different goals that can be achieved from the bar inventory process. These range from surface level goals such as determining what you need to order to deeper level goals such as obtaining the data necessary to evaluate the performance of your bar.
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When you walk into a busy bar or restaurant, it’s easy to assume that the establishment is raking in the profits. However, it’s actually much more challenging to run a highly profitable bar than most people ...
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At its most basic level, liquor inventory is performed to count how much of each product you have on-hand at your bar so that you can determine what to order. You can take these efforts a step further and use it as a tool to measure the performance your business. By factoring in purchase values ...
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Many of our clients will often ask us what the right pour size is for liquor drinks. While we’d love to reply with an iron-clad answer, the truth is that there is no one “right” pour size for the ...
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Bar-i recently set up a new client with our liquor inventory system. This is a no-nonsense neighborhood bar – it has a down-home feel where people go to catch up with friends and play pool. Their target demographic are people who like more traditional drinks: simple cocktails such as Jack and ...
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At Bar-i, our goal is to help you make more money. We accomplish this goal by providing you with more accurate inventory services that compare what is sold to what is being poured.
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Most bars are using two main metrics to evaluate their performance: sales volume and liquor cost. Sales volume tells you how many dollars are generated per week by sales behind your bar, and it’s the most fundamental performance metric ...
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At Bar-i, we adhere to a philosophy that we like to call “down to the serving” liquor inventory. We provide all of our clients with very precise data regarding the performance of every product sold at their bar in ...
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